Thursday, September 2, 2010

Let the adventure begin!

Thanks Lynn for thinking it was
worth taking a picture of them!

It all started out innocently enough.  I volunteered to make cookies to celebrate one of my colleagues becoming a Canadian citizen.  It was just sugar cookies, cut out with a maple leaf cookie cutter and iced with red or white royal icing with red sprinkles or coconut to add some texture.

But then, someone discovered I like to bake and more importantly that I like to decorate ... cakes, cookies, cupcakes, whatever suited the occasion.  Next thing I knew, when we decided we needed an excuse for an office celebration, Groundhog Day was handy and I was asked if I'd be willing to make a cake. 

Oreo Cookie Crumbs make great dirt!
One thing led to another and our family favourite Apple Spice Cake (from Mom's old Purity Cookbook) was filled with lemon cream cheese filling (my creation of the moment) and sporting a homemade chocolate fudge groundhog bravely looking for his shadow.

Rave reviews from the office followed and thus began my adventures in cake decorating for CVSE.

Thankfully, February is a cool time of the year for sculpting
from homemade chocolate fudge!
I've been accumulating the pictures on my facebook page and I think I'll continue to add them there as well, but there are stories to tell with each one and that doesn't seem to be the place for those.

So here begins Karen's Cake Adventures.  It's been a summer of cakes almost one every two weeks, plus the others that have been created since February, so there's definitely some catching up to do.  New cakes will definitely take priority ... there's another one to be made next week =) ... but the older ones will find their way here as time and storytelling inspiration permits.  Who knows, I may even eventually find time and inclination to dredge up various birthdays for nieces and maybe even some real "oldies" from when I was in high school.  If you're interested, you'll just have to wait and see what appears.

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